timing service

英 [ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈsɜːvɪs] 美 [ˈtaɪmɪŋ ˈsɜːrvɪs]

网络  时钟服务



  1. To allow for imperfect project timing, such as when a service is still under development and the consumer needs to proceed with other tests, mock services can be hosted in place of the real services.
  2. Even the jiffies ( small packets of kernel time for timing interrupts) are not altered and this lets you debug the Interrupt Service Routine.
  3. Since you are running everything on a PC, there is sometimes a timing issue the first time you attempt to trigger the service.
  4. The optimization of signal timing is an important way to improve intersection level of service.
  5. As for timing, the Memphis Fire service, firefighters and officers, need to take exercises as well as a real incident very serious.
  6. This article analyzes the present situation of the auto quick repair, combining the practical problems, and discusses the location of the auto quick repair patterns which include the timing location, the content location and the service target location.
  7. Therefore, the author puts forward an improved method which is able to offer a timing service with higher precision.
  8. The GPS IRIG-B code time system encapsulates the GPS satellite signal and modernized IRIG-B ( B type format of Inter-Range Instrumentation Group) serial time code and connect them to the computer through a PCI bus, thus offering accurate timing service.
  9. The results show that part of the 2 048 kbit/ s channels can perform the retiming function, combine the reference timing and service data for transmission to the protection equipment.
  10. RPT Ring Timing Mechanism and TDM Service Performance Analysis
  11. It should be noted that the problem of time rollover often occur for timing service.
  12. Real-time system requires a fairly high precise timing service. However, original timing service of the simple μ C/ OS-ⅱ is not high enough in precision.
  13. THE reliability and quality of output data are greatly improved by adding the codes for the CPLD device driver, WatchDog, hard-disk timeout management, GPS timing service, etc, to the dedicated embedded Linux operating system.
  14. CCSDS Proximity 1 architecture and the transferring frame Version 3 are presented and the timing and data service are analyzed.
  15. The development of Chinese convenience store should consider the following aspects, which are the timing choice, location and target groups, operational quality, characteristics shaping as well as service providing.
  16. A control algorithm of signal timing at intersection of link, which can control the traffic volumes into link by modifying the signal timing at intersection of link, is designed for keeping the expected traffic level of service of link by using fuzzy control theory in this paper.
  17. This paper introduces the frequency conversion timing transform of the boiler service powder system in Baihe power plant as soon as shows the composing 、 the principle and the control manner of the frequency conversion timing system.
  18. It is of greater importance to apply on-line monitoring and diagnosis technology to the equipment in production process, thus realizing the transformation from timing service into predictive maintenance. Likewise, on-line monitoring application of optimization is the precondition and foundation to realize digital manufacturing and maintenance.
  19. As a new timing technology, satellite time service can effectively reduce the error caused by geometric factors and achieve precise timing on a global scale, so it has become the mainstream method in the time synchronization field.
  20. The software for control system was designed according to the timing requirement, the main program and the interrupt service program were highlighted.
  21. Looking back on the past few years of development, power supply company has achieved plant-grid separation, power grid ever-strengthening, serving process ever-optimizing, service content ever-enriching, service timing ever-shortening, service manner ever-improving.
  22. It proves that the model can describe the signalized intersection delay more accurately and it can be used for the intersection timing optimization in urban traffic control system, in turn to improve the level of service of signalized intersections.
  23. Last, it describes the timing function of GNSS user receiver, which implemented real-time reporting and time service.
  24. As time goes on, Competition Strategy in airline market has been changed from single price to multi-element, including plane model, timing, personalized service, brand, acquisition and maintenance of customers.